Important Tips before you use the metal drills:
1- Before you use the drill bits make sure you wear safety goggles, it's better to choose safety glasses that wrap around the sides of your face.
2- After you measure and mark where you want the hole use a quick center punch and hammer or hand countersink to create a small dimple on the surface.
3- Lubricating the drillbit reduces friction and heat buildup, which makes drilling easier and your bits last longer when drilling holes in steel that’s 1/8 in. 4- Make sure your drilling at slow speed for a small twist bit (1/16 in. to 3/16 in.), you can drill through most metals at 3,000 rpm. but when you use larger twist bits (11/16 in. to 1 in.), 350 to 1,000 rpm it's much better.
4- Make sure you don't use this titanium drill bit on materials like ceramic tile, masonry, concrete stone, or even the wall.